SATA has traditionally been used for internal storage interconnect in desktop computers to connect the host systems to hard drives and optical drives. Today, the SATA interconnect technology has evolved for much higher interconnect speeds, scalability, and reliability, surpassing the technology’s originally intended applications. SATA technologies are now extensively used in enterprise-class storage and server environments in near-line storage applications where scale and costs are primary selection driving criteria. Serial ATA internal storage interconnect is the technology of choice used in Dell / EMC / Data Domain storage systems.
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Not the hard drive you need? Do you have questions about which hard drive is the right one for your existing server system? At IGS, we stock a wide selection of used and refurbished hard drives in addition to other hardware. Chat with us now and let us help you find the product you’re looking for!
IBM 45W8867 1TB 7.2K 6G 3.5" SATA Internal Hard Drive
SKU: 50786
- Our Refurbished products are tested and inspected by our in house technicians.Units may have scratches or other cosmetic imperfections. If you have any concerns about a product please chat with us.